By default, Spring boot uses embedded tomcat server to run the application. At times, you may need to use jetty server in place of tomcat server. Spring Boot provides Tomcat and Jetty dependencies bundled together as separate starters to help make this process as easy as possible. You can use jetty with following simple steps.
Add spring-boot-starter-jetty dependency
Jetty Server Maven
You will need to update pom.xml
and add dependency for spring-boot-starter-jetty
. Also, you will need to exclude default added spring-boot-starter-tomcat
In gradle, able change can be achieved by this:
Web Server (Jetty) Overview. BBjServices integrates a Web Server based on the Eclipse project’s server, Jetty. Jetty serves applications in production all over the world and is an industrial-strength solution. General server-wide configuration happens in Enterprise Manager. Jetty 9.3.6 and Oracle Java 8 installed, JAVAHOME pointing to the Java 8 installation, Jetty placed in /opt/jetty. Login as root or use all commands in sudo context. Let's begin in the /opt/jetty/lib folder: cd /opt/jetty/lib. Create an obfuscated password.
Configure Jetty Options
To override, default jetty runtime configuration – you can configure them in
Also, you may configure these options programatically using JettyEmbeddedServletContainerFactory
Update for Spring boot 2.0.0.RELEASE
Above code snippet was valid for spring boot spanshot version. After Spring boot 2.0.0.RELEASE is available, you shall be using ConfigurableServletWebServerFactory and JettyServletWebServerFactory classes.
Drop me your questions in comments section related to using jetty in stead of tomcat server in any spring boot application.
Happy Learning !!
Ref: Configure Jetty
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Jetty Server For Mac Os
Jetty 7 and Jetty 8 are now EOL (End of Life)
All development and stable releases are being performed with Jetty 9 and Jetty 10.
This wiki is now officially out of date and all content has been moved to the Jetty Documentation Hub
A virtual host is an alternative name, registered in DNS, for an IP address. Virtual hosting takes one of two forms:
- Multiple names can resolve to a single IP address.
- Multi-homed hosts, that is machines with more than one network interface, can have a different name for each IP address.
Jetty users often want to configure their web applications taking into account these different virtual hosts. Frequently, a machine with a single IP address has different DNS resolvable names associated with it, and a webapp deployed on it must be reachable from all of the alternative names. Another possibility is to serve different web applications from different virtual hosts.
You can set virtual hosts in several different ways, including:
- Using a context XML file in the context directory: setVirtualHosts. This is the preferred method.
- Java calls in an embedded usage: Embedding Jetty.
- Within an explicitly deployed webapp (no webapp provider) listed in jetty.xml or similar.
- Using a WEB-INF/jetty-web.xml file (deprecated, but works with the webapp provider if you do not use the context provider).
For descriptions of the various ways to configure Jetty, including links to documents that provide detailed configuration instructions, see How to Configure Jetty.
The examples that follow set virtual hosts in the preferred way, by calling the method ContextHandler.setVirtualHosts.
Configuring Virtual Hosts
When configuring a web application, you can supply a list of IP addresses and names at which the web application is reachable. Suppose you have a machine with these IP addresses and DNS resolvable names:
- 333.444.555.666
Suppose you have a webapp, xxx.war, that you want all of the above names and addresses to serve. You would configure the webapp as follows:
Assuming you have configured a connector listening on port 8080, webapp xxx.war is available at all of the following addresses:
- http://333.444.555.666:8080/xxx
Configuring Different Webapps for Different Virtual Hosts
You can configure different webapps for different virtual hosts by supplying a different list of virtual hosts for each webapp. For example, suppose your imaginary machine has these DNS names and IP addresses:
- 333.444.555.666
- 777.888.888.111
Suppose also you have another webapp, zzz.war. We want xxx.war to be deployed as above, and zzz.war to be deployed only from 777.888.888.111,, and
Jetty Server For Mac Windows 10
Webapp xxx.war is still available at:
- http://333.444.555.666:8080/xxx
But now webapp zzz.war is available at:
- http://777.888.888.111:8080/zzz
Configuring Different Webapps for Different Virtual Hosts, But at the Same Context Path
In the example above, webapp zzz.war is available not only at a certain set of virtual hosts, but also at the context path /zzz, whilst the other webapp is available at both a different set of virtual hosts, and at a different context path. What happens if you want them at the same context path, but still at different sets of virtual hosts? You just supply the same context path for each webapp, leaving the disjoint set of virtual host definitions as before:
Now, webapp xxx.war is available at:
- http://333.444.555.666:8080/
and webapp zzz.war is available at:
- http://777.888.888.111:8080/
Configuring Virtual Hosts with Non-ascii Characters
International domain names are names containing non-ascii characters. For example 'http://www.bü'. The DNS internally remains based on ascii, so these kinds of names are translated via an encoding called punycode into an ascii representation. Modern browsers detect these non-ascii characters in URLs and automatically apply the punycode encoding. For example, typing this URL into a browser:
is translated to the following url:
To use internationalized domain names with Jetty virtual hosts you need to supply the punycode form of the name in your context xml file (and of course you need to supply it to your DNS setup).
For example, if you are running a webapp on port 8080 at context /test, and you want to configure a virtual host for www.åäö.com, you configure its ascii equivalent in the context xml file for the context:
After starting Jetty, you can enter the url http://www.åäö.com:8080/test/ in a browser and reach the webapp.
If you don't have any webapps deployed at /, hitting the URL http://www.åäö.com:8080reaches Jetty's default handler, which serves back a 404 page listing the available contexts:
Notice that the link already has the punycode transformed domain name in it.