Extended Code 39 Barcode Font Information
Extended Code 39 barcode fonts with build-in shift characters are provided with the IDAutomation Code 39 Barcode Font Package and begin with IDAutomationX. These fonts allow encoding of lower-case characters and some of the extended code 39 characters as they appear on the keyboard. Extended Code 39 fonts are not compatible with IDAutomation's font encoder automation tools, and the asterisk (*) must be used as the start and stop character. For extended characters to scan properly, the scanner must first be enabled to read extended code 39. These fonts are not part of the standard install, and therefore must be manually installed. For the extended characters to scan properly, the scanner must be enabled to read Extended Code 39.
The Code 39 specification defines 43 characters, consisting of uppercase letters (A through Z), numeric digits (0 through 9) and a number of special characters (., $, /, +,%, and space). An additional character (denoted '.') is used for both start and stop delimiters. Each character is composed of nine elements: five bars and four spaces. Although the Code 39 barcode only supports 43 characters, it is possible to employ a substitution mechanism based on industry specifications to encode all the 128 ASCII characters. The Code 39 barcode that employs this mechanism is known as the Code 39 Extended barcode or Code 39 ASCII barcode. ConnectCode Code 39 barcode font is able to. Standard Code 39 barcodes can include 44 characters including the asterisk (.), which is used as the start bar and stop bar. The Code 39 character set includes uppercase A-Z, digits 0-9, a handful of punctuation marks ($% +. /), and the space character. More information and a chart of the standard Code 39 character set is here. We provide completely free of charge TrueType fronts using barcode code 39 (also known as Code 3 of 9) and code 128 barcode font. It's a widely used barcode standard used across the industry. The fonts Includes numbers, capital letters, symbols and can be used by most windows and Macintosh software like Word, Excel and WordPad etc.
For example, to encode 'ExtC39' with the IDAutomationX font, add asterisks to the beginning and ending of the data and change the font to one of the IDAutomationX fonts. The image below shows the resulting barcode in the preview area.

IDAutomationX Extended Font Character Set
The ExtC39 Character column lists the character in the IDAutomationX font. The SymbolScans As column lists the character that the scanner will read in extended mode. The ASCII and Unicode columns designate the location in either ASCII or Unicode where the barcode symbol for the character resides.
ExtC39 Character | Symbol Scans As | ASCII* | Unicode* | ExtC39 Character | Symbol Scans As | ASCII* | Unicode* |
space | na | 0032 | 0020 | P | P | 0080 | 0050 |
! | ! | 0033 | 0021 | Q | Q | 0081 | 0051 |
' | ' | 0034 | 0022 | R | R | 0082 | 0052 |
# | # | 0035 | 0023 | S | S | 0083 | 0053 |
$ | control | 0036 | 0024 | T | T | 0084 | 0054 |
% | control | 0037 | 0025 | U | U | 0085 | 0055 |
& | & | 0038 | 0026 | V | V | 0086 | 0056 |
' | ' | 0039 | 0027 | W | W | 0087 | 0057 |
( | ( | 0040 | 0028 | X | X | 0088 | 0058 |
) | ) | 0041 | 0029 | Y | Y | 0089 | 0059 |
* | Start / Stop | 0042 | 002A | Z | Z | 0090 | 005A |
+ | control | 0043 | 002B | [ | [ | 0091 | 005B |
, | , | 0044 | 002C | 0092 | 005C | ||
- | - | 0045 | 002D | ] | ] | 0093 | 005D |
. | . | 0046 | 002E | ^ | ^ | 0094 | 005E |
/ | control | 0047 | 002F | _ | _ | 0095 | 005F |
0 | 0 | 0048 | 0030 | ` | ` | 0096 | 0060 |
1 | 1 | 0049 | 0031 | a | a | 0097 | 0061 |
2 | 2 | 0050 | 0032 | b | b | 0098 | 0062 |
3 | 3 | 0051 | 0033 | c | c | 0099 | 0063 |
4 | 4 | 0052 | 0034 | d | d | 0100 | 0064 |
5 | 5 | 0053 | 0035 | e | e | 0101 | 0065 |
6 | 6 | 0054 | 0036 | f | f | 0102 | 0066 |
7 | 7 | 0055 | 0037 | g | g | 0103 | 0067 |
8 | 8 | 0056 | 0038 | h | h | 0104 | 0068 |
9 | 9 | 0057 | 0039 | i | i | 0105 | 0069 |
: | : | 0058 | 003A | j | j | 0106 | 006A |
; | ; | 0059 | 003B | k | k | 0107 | 006B |
< | < | 0060 | 003C | l | l | 0108 | 006C |
= | = | 0061 | 003D | m | m | 0109 | 006D |
> | > | 0062 | 003E | n | n | 0110 | 006E |
? | ? | 0063 | 003F | o | o | 0111 | 006F |
@ | @ | 0064 | 0040 | p | p | 0112 | 0070 |
A | A | 0065 | 0041 | q | q | 0113 | 0071 |
B | B | 0066 | 0042 | r | r | 0114 | 0072 |
C | C | 0067 | 0043 | s | s | 0115 | 0073 |
D | D | 0068 | 0044 | t | t | 0116 | 0074 |
E | E | 0069 | 0045 | u | u | 0117 | 0075 |
F | F | 0070 | 0046 | v | v | 0118 | 0076 |
G | G | 0071 | 0047 | w | w | 0119 | 0077 |
H | H | 0072 | 0048 | x | x | 0120 | 0078 |
I | I | 0073 | 0049 | y | y | 0121 | 0079 |
J | J | 0074 | 004A | z | z | 0122 | 007A |
K | K | 0075 | 004B | { | { | 0123 | 007B |
L | L | 0076 | 004C | | | | | 0124 | 007C |
M | M | 0077 | 004D | } | } | 0125 | 007D |
N | N | 0078 | 004E | ~ | Space | 0126 | 007E |
O | O | 0079 | 004F |
Extended Code 39 Barcodes with Standard Fonts
In addition to using the IDAutomationX fonts, lower-case and extended characters may also be encoded with standard Code-39 fonts by adding shift characters according to the Code 3 of 9 Full ASCII Chart.
Symbol Encoded Fonts with the Barcode in the Space Character, which is included in this package is a set of specially encoded fonts to encode the space character without a substitution character. For example, *Barcode 39* encodes a space between Barcode and 39. In contrast, encoding the space character in the standard font requires the use of the underscore character, for example, *Barcode_39*. After installation, these fonts are identified by the 'Y' character in the font name, for example, IDAutomationYXHC39S.
Encoding Functions with Standard Fonts in Extended Code 39
To create a barcode that scans in 1234 and then a return function, *1234$M* would need to be entered as the data to encode. These may also be combined. For example: *12$I34$M* prints a barcode that scans 12, a tab, then 34 and a return. Refer to the Code 39 Full ASCII Chart for other codes. For the extended characters to scan properly, the scanner must be enabled to read Extended Code 39.
Can you believe there are people who would charge you for a barcode font like this? It took very little time to make this so I thought I'd donate it to the world. It is suitable for scanning even at fairly small point sizes (with a laser printer). I have tested printed copies of this font with a couple different scanners and it worked perfectly.
This is 3 of 9 (sometimes called 'code 39'), a widely used barcode standard that includes capital letters, numbers, and several symbols. This is not the barcode for UPC's (universal price codes) found on products at the store. However, most kinds of barcode scanners will recognize 3 of 9 just fine.
To create a valid 3 of 9 barcode you have to begin and end it with a special character. Scanners look for this character to know where to start and stop reading the barcode. It is represented in this font with the '*' character. So, to create a barcode for the text 'ABC123' you have to type out '*ABC123*'. Note that barcode readers will not include the *'s in the text they return. They will just give you the 'ABC123'.
Two versions of 3 of 9 are included. The font called 'Free 3 of 9' is the basic 3 of 9 standard. It includes letters and these symbols: $ % + -. and /. The font called 'Free 3 of 9 Extended' covers the extended 3 of 9 standard. It includes all the ASCII characters.
3 of 9 Barcode font contains 238 defined characters and 46 unique glyphs. The font contains characters from the following unicode character ranges: Basic Latin (93), Latin-1 Supplement (95), Latin Extended-A (8), Latin Extended-B (1), Spacing Modifier Letters (2), General Punctuation (36), Letterlike Symbols (1), Mathematical Operators (1).
Barcode Font Code 39 Full Ascii Barcode Decoder
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