Pecha Kucha is a simple presentation format devised by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham where you show 20 slides or images, each for only 20 second. The images or slides advance automatically to keep you on time and you can only talk about each slide or image while it’s being displayed. Designed to keep presentations short and to the point, each presentation is only 6 minutes and 40 seconds long!
This tutorial will discuss how to create a pecha kucha style presentation using PowerPoint
- Pecha&Kucha&&&& Session&Information&&Guidelines&!
- Ellen is the author of PowerPoint 2013 Essentials, PowerPoint for Teachers: Dynamic Presentations and Interactive Classroom Projects, How to Do Everything with PowerPoint 2007 (and three earlier editions), Slide Design for Non-Designers, 101 Advanced Techniques Every PowerPoint User Should Know, 101 Tips Every PowerPoint User Should Know,.
- That’s because Pecha Kucha presentations are not your typical PowerPoint slide decks. In fact, there’s no rule in Pecha Kucha that dictates you must use PowerPoint. As long as you have twenty slides, it does not matter if you are using PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, Google Slides, a PDF, or even a program that advances photographs.
- Public speaking presentations
- Introducing new concepts
- Final presentations
- Reviewing a book or movie
Pecha Kucha Presentation Powerpoint
For more information on Pecha-Kucha or to locate an event near you, visit the Pecha Kucha site. Ignite’s platform is 20 slides, 15 seconds per slide, and runs automatically for 5 minutes. We also created this What is Ignite presentation.
Application: Microsoft PowerPoint
Tutorial Type: Video
Platform: Online, cloud-based
How To Setup Pecha Kucha Powerpoint For Mac Download
Price: Free